Step 1: Discovery Phase
In this stage, the essential components of the project are established through numerous site visits and a strategic kick-off meeting, which identifies the project goals, project management plan, and preliminary schedule and budget. The Project Management Plan is a comprehensive tool that monitors and tracks the schedule, budget, critical success factors, risk, and overall project quality.
Also, it is nearly impossible to spend too much time analyzing the site in person. The site visits are critical to identifying opportunities and challenges that will dictate the overall golf course routing, features, character, and constructibility. In other words, the 18-hole narrative of the final golf course.
Preliminary routing plans are then prepared for the site's opportunities and constraints per the project vision, goals, and critical success factors. Careful analyses and consideration are given to topography, soils, vegetation, views, water bodies, wetlands, drainage, land use, utilities, and other key factors affecting the project and eventual locations of golf holes and overall golf routing. Creating dozens of different routing scenarios is not uncommon to unearth the best possible golf course.
The routing plans are reviewed with the project team to narrow down and identify the best potential options/solutions. The final routing plan forms the foundation for the schematic design and preliminary budget.
The routing plans are reviewed with the project team to narrow down and identify the best potential options/solutions. The final routing plan forms the foundation for the schematic design and preliminary budget.