Design Process

Photo, Todd Schoeder

Three-Step Process
Discovery, Photo, Todd Schoeder
Discovery, Photo, Todd Schoeder
Construction, Photo, Todd Schoeder
Construction, Photo, Todd Schoeder
Built - Play away! Photo © Dale Horchner, Design Workshop
Built - Play away! Photo © Dale Horchner, Design Workshop
When sound golf design, strategy, maintenance, and playability are combined in harmony with the landscape and needs of golfers and the greater community — iConic golf courses result — golf courses for all. Places that lift the spirit. Sustainable places that protect and enhance our natural environment. Golf courses that players and profitable owners enjoy. 

We believe the foundation for a successful project occurs through three distinct phases that kicks-off during the discovery phase and continue rhythmically through the design & implementation process.

The courses we design are developed through an approach that involves owners,  planners, engineers, and landscape architects to ensure the overall plan is comprehensively conceived and implemented. We believe in collaboration philosophically and practice.

Through our experiences, we have found there are a few fundamental principles behind successful projects:

— know and respect the site, 
— know the project's critical success factors, 
— push the design envelope, and
 — bring the best team.

We create solutions to design problems in an inclusive context where transparent decision-making yields more comprehensive, thorough, and accountable project outcomes. It takes both confidence and humility to practice this way. We believe we have the right combination of creative design force that will deliver a great project and achieve your vision and sustainable outcomes among our team.
"Our commitment is to exceed client's expectations and create golf courses that are strategic by nature, fun for golfers, respect the environment & are profitable to owners".

Todd Schoeder, Owner/Principal Architect, iCon Golf Studio
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