Todd's Thoughts . . .
- Golf courses should be big, bold & playable for all
- Golf courses should be more than a golf course and serve the overall community
- Golf could benefit from a new way of thinking
- Golf is not your father's game anymore
- Golf is hip
- Golf should be fun
- Golf your way
- Respect the honor, integrity and history of the game
- Golf teaches positive life building skills
- Golf is for everyone
- Take the best of golf's past and bring it forward
- Golf can be humbling but is worth the humility
- A round of golf should not take 5 hours to play, 3 is plenty, 4 max!
- Walk the golf course, you will be pleasantly surprised
- No judgment on the course, ever!
- Golf courses can be any number of holes
- You will have more fun playing at 6,300 yds. vs. 6,800 yds., trust us
- Play it forward
- Pick a tee according to your handicap/ability, be honest
- The average 15 handicap tee shot is 200 yds. Accept it and pick a tee accordingly
- Golf courses should be available to the greater community
- If not in tournament, play it as you would like it to lie
- Know the rules
- Embrace the shank
- Breakfast balls are a must - lunch and dinner too
- Par is irrelevant
- Music on the course is encouraged
- 12-hole rounds are necessary
- Golf does not need to be expensive or exclusive
- Fun trumps length
- Strategy trumps length
- Width trumps length
- Ratings are over-rated
- There are exceptions to the "rules" of golf design
- Play more
- Dream foursome: Arnold Palmer, Bill Murray & Bob Hope
- Favorite golf course: Tie, Cypress Point & Royal Dornoch
- Favorite Designer: Alister MacKenzie & Tom Doak (modern)
- Golf courses are spaces to breathe
- Evolving the nature of golf for all is critical to the survival of the sport
- Golf for life!